Friday, September 18, 2009

I can ask Questions

I can ask questions. Some questions for me & all.
How many of us are saying sorry when we wrongly collide with someone in the road?
Mumbai life is like a bullet train. In fast faced life in Mumbai we don’t have time to say sorry to a person.

How many of us are spending time with our Grand Parents?
In our busy life we do not have time to speak to our Grand Parents. Such a great wisdom is near to us. My grant mother has a unique skill that she can tell you the medicine (which is available in the kitchen) for all sicknesses. But who cares that..

How many of us are watching the activities of a small kid near us?
They are energetic, enthusiastic and fearless human being in the world. We can learn a lot from a small kid. Watching their activities is equal to do a meditation.

How many of us are spending time with Nature?
Waking up with the Sun which brings light to the world, Feeling the fresh air in the morning, Watching the sunset, Visiting to a hill station & spending time on God’s lap (Nature) without fluttering.

How many of us are having a tree friend?
We don’t have time to meet our friends, then how do we get a tree friend. It is very simple to plant a sapling which will not only be a friend to us, but it will be a friend to our great grand children.

How many of us are giving the excess foods to the orphanages?
Celebration without reasons, Breakup Parties. Celebration without food is impossible. Why don’t we give the excess foods in the parties to the orphanages or child homes? Why don’t we spend some part of the celebration money to an orphanage for their food? So they can get some good food on our special day.

Asking questions is very easy. But saying the answer is difficult. Sometimes questions are more important than answers. But I try to find good questions and not answers. Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions in My LiFe.


  1. Sometimes all that is required is asking the right questions.. all else will fall in place.

  2. @ Kevin : Yes, ask right questions at right time is important. Thanks

    @ Smriti : Thanks
